RU domain name

Start a business by buying a RU domain

.RU domain zone

This is the national domain of Russia. Domain RU ranks fifth in the world in the number of registrations. Register .RU domain began in 1994 and already about 6 million registrations. The RU domain name is very common in the CIS countries, therefore it is recommended to register for Russian-speaking visitors.

This can register a domain in the .ru zone

The .RU domain can be registered, purchased by an individual or legal entity, regardless of nationality.

How to buy a ru domain name?

Registering ru domain at is very simple. Find the RU domain name that you have chosen on the Domain Registration page, if the domain is free for registration, fill in the necessary information and place your order. Registering .ru domain is automated, after paying the bill, the domain will be available in a few minutes.

Information for registering RU domain name