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Never lose your domain
Domain name is easy-to-remember word that we can use to communicate to a DNS server the website we want to visit. The Domain Name System (DNS) is what translates the friendly name to an IP address.
A Subdomain is a subset of a Domain Name. Domain Name typically has a top-level domain (TLD) (e.g..COM) and a second-level domain (SLD). For example, our domain name is with "hayhost" as our SLD and .NET as our TLD. An example of a subdomain would be where "example" is the subdomain. Domain owner can create free unlimited subdomains for his/her Doman Name.
Domain name is registered immediately after full payment and minimum for 1 year: You can pay online via cards (VISA, MasterCard, Mir, ArCa), iDram system or bank transfer.
We are certified AM Domain registrar. This allows us to offer low price domains in the market and special prices for partners.
It takes only a few easy steps to register a Domain in Find your prefered Domain Name on Domain Registration page. If it's free for registration follow the instructions!
Domain Name should be short (max 64 characters) and easy to remember. Domain Name should fully show your business field. For example
Unfortunately it is impossible to change already registered Domain Name. It's the same as to register new Domain Name and requires a new payment as per the Domain Name.
HayHost cares about its costumers. You will not lose your Domain Name in case you forgot to pay. We will inform you about expiration of your Domain Name via e-mail (3 times). After expiration we call to make sure you are informed.