SSL Certificates

SSL certificates for everyone.
Secure your online communications.

All about SSL Certificates

What is SSL Certificate?

An SSL certificate (Secure Sockets Layer) is a digital certificate that encrypts the communication between a web server and a user's browser. It ensures that the data exchanged between the two remains private and secure. SSL certificates are commonly used on websites that handle sensitive information such as personal data, credit card details, or login credentials.

By implementing an SSL certificate, a website can establish trust with its visitors, improve security, and potentially boost its search engine rankings, as search engines tend to prioritize secure websites in their results.

There are several types of SSL certificates available

Each type of certificate serves different purposes and provides varying levels of security and trust. The choice of certificate depends on your website's needs and the level of validation and encryption required.

Domain Validated (DV) Certificate

This type of certificate verifies domain ownership and provides basic encryption. It is the most common and cost-effective option.

Organization Validated (OV) Certificate

In addition to domain ownership, OV certificates also validate the organization's identity. They provide a higher level of trust and authentication.

Extended Validation (EV) Certificate

EV certificates offer the highest level of validation. They involve a rigorous verification process, displaying the organization's name prominently in the browser address bar. EV certificates are often used by e-commerce websites and organizations that require maximum user trust.

Wildcard Certificate

A wildcard certificate secures a domain and all its subdomains. For example, it can cover,,, etc. This type of certificate is useful for websites with multiple subdomains.

Multi-Domain (SAN) Certificate

SAN certificates, also known as UCC (Unified Communications Certificate), allow you to secure multiple domains and subdomains with a single certificate. They are convenient for organizations that manage multiple websites.

Code Signing Certificate

Code signing certificates are used to sign software and ensure its authenticity and integrity. They are commonly used by software developers and publishers.

Email & Document Signing Certificate

Email and document signing certificates are digital certificates used for verifying the authenticity and integrity of electronic communications and documents. Email signing certificates are used to digitally sign emails, proving the sender's identity and ensuring the email's content remains unaltered. Document signing certificates are applied to electronic documents, providing proof of origin and integrity. These certificates help establish trust, prevent tampering, and ensure the validity of electronic communications and documents.

What are benefits of SSL Certificate?

SSL certificate provides a secure browsing experience, builds trust with visitors, and helps protect your website and users' sensitive information.

Data Encryption

SSL certificates encrypt the communication between a user's browser and the web server, ensuring that sensitive information such as personal data, credit card details, or login credentials cannot be intercepted by hackers.

Trust and Credibility

SSL certificates provide a visual indicator, such as a padlock icon or a green address bar, that indicates a secure connection. This helps establish trust with visitors and reassures them that their information is safe.

Improved Search Engine Rankings

Search engines like Google consider SSL certificates as a ranking factor. Having an SSL certificate can potentially boost your website's visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) and improve your SEO efforts.

Protection against Phishing Attacks

SSL certificates help protect against phishing attacks, where attackers try to impersonate legitimate websites to steal sensitive information. The certificate validates the authenticity of the website, reducing the risk of falling victim to phishing scams.

Secure Online Transactions

If your website handles online transactions or collects payment information, an SSL certificate is essential. It encrypts customer data during the transaction process, reducing the chances of unauthorized access and fraud.

Compliance with Data Protection Regulations

SSL certificates are often required to comply with data protection regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Failure to comply with these regulations can result in legal consequences and damage to your reputation.